Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.-Pablo Picasso

•September 15, 2009 • Leave a Comment

When most think of art, many automatically turn their noses up or feel thatĀ nothing of interest will be offered. Being a senior Art majorĀ at Colorado State University has opened my eyes up to a myriad of wonderful artists and techniques, both new and old. I feel that many young students think that art is boring and something to leave out but in reality it is a gift that I marvel at many times a day. Learning about how certain artists actually execute their pieces not only inspires but also opens your eyes to viewing the world completely different.

My main goal for this blog is simply to share what I have learned over the past three years. Not bland facts but artists, works, and techniques that have taken permanent residence in my mind. I hope that you also find a new exciting appreciation for the arts.