She did what to My Little Pony?

Something that would be a huge deal to any art student would be to have their work featured someplace reputable. Simply to have the opportunity to have something that you put so much time and effort into displayed for others to see is an absolute honor. Mari Kasurinen, an art student from Finland was recently shown on MTV’s website. And why exactly is she being publicized?


Truthfully as a child, I thought My Little Pony was dumb. But taking something completely iconic in its own right and throwing the features of other American icons onto it is ingenious. Kasurinen has produced over 40 different renditions of symbols of pure Americana such as Batman, a storm trooper from Star Wars, Elvis, and Lady Gaga. Not only can you buy the ones on her website but you can also email her and talk about a specific idea you may have for a commissioned work. She takes a modern quirky take on figures that have made their way into our minds and sometimes our hearts. There have been many artists that do this, such as Andy Warhol’s take on Marilyn Monroe, Elvis, Elizabeth Taylor and most recently Michael Jackson. Capturing someone else in a form of art is one of the greatest ways to express an era in history. This may seem like a stretch but I think that increasingly movie stars, movie characters and musicians help to shape major trends of our country whether we like it or not. Kasurinen takes a modern look at this principle.


The modified My Little Pony is not all that Kasurinen has to offer as an artist. She also has completed lithographs, screen prints, etchings, and oil paintings. The way that she can render a human face is amazing. Not only does she capture what the person looks like but also the emotion that they may be feeling seems to jump out to the viewer. There is one etching in particular called The Veteran. It shows a young boy with a rifle slung over his shoulder. In the background is multiple markings on the wall. I’m not completely sure what these are meant to represent but to me I assumed it may be the number of people he’s had to kill, or number of times he gone to fight. It also isn’t clear where he is from or if he is to be representative of a war going on that has children as their soldiers but it definitely evokes a heavy hearted feeling. You begin to feel remorse for this poor little boy that is dealing with things well beyond his years. I believe that to be a successful artist you have the ability to bring the piece to life. Give it emotions that have a way of tugging on the heart strings of the viewer. Obviously not all art has such a strong message as this but in anyway, I think being a success is making people think, and making people talk no matter what emotion causes that.


~ by itsartyo on November 13, 2009.

2 Responses to “She did what to My Little Pony?”

  1. I always liked my little pony as a kid, I’m not sure why either because thinking back they were kind of creepy versions of horses. I really do like this batman version of my little pony though, it’s very original and something I never would have thought of doing. Kasurinen seems incredibly talented and I am envious of those who have that artistic gift, I think it is very cool and something I’d love to be able to do

  2. This is a really interesting take on modern art. I personally used to love my little pony’s but have since then lost touch with my childhood passions! I think it is very interesting that you are able to compare Warhol to Kasurinen. They both have very different styles but its neat to be able to view and analyze them side by side. Kasurinen ventures with modern art is unique when paired with child’s toys! Do you know why she chose ‘my little pony’ to display her art on?

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