“Some people become cops because they want to make the world a better place. Some people become vandals because they want to make the world a better looking place.”

How many people crave recognition without actually receiving it personally?

 Banksy is an anonymous graffiti artist hailing from England. Not only does he not live for the credit or fame of his work, he also doesn’t believe in copyright. Shocking? Not really. Although some of his work has been sold for thousands of dollars, which is never his impetus behind creating.

  Most of his work takes a satirical look at politics, ethics and the culture we live in today. The piece may also include a message which usually has to do with anti-war or anti-capitalist subjects. His ideas are often heard by people all around the world. The language barrier is broken. The way that he portrays a subject is so simple that even children can understand the meaning to a certain extent. His art is meant to be seen, by all. He is very against any sort of elitist regulations when it comes to things like art. He is well known for breaking into the famous Louvre and hanging up his own interpretation of the famous Mona Lisa will a big yellow smiley face. Most serious art collectors would scoff at the idea while those with a more open mindset of art will take this as it is. And those elitist art “enthusiasts” didn’t just scoff, they deemed his work to be nothing more than vandalism. What’s Banksy’s take on this? “Writing graffiti is about the most honest way you can be an artist. It takes no money to do it, you don’t need an education to understand it and there’s no admission fee.” Clearly he thinks it’s the best thing since sliced bread.

 What’s your take on his work? Vandalism or art?

 I think what he does is intensely creative. Although he takes some risks that I wouldn’t be caught dead doing, he definitely has a way of getting a message out to the world.


This is on the wall that seperates Palestinian neighborhoods from Israeli neighborhoods.


~ by itsartyo on October 31, 2009.

6 Responses to ““Some people become cops because they want to make the world a better place. Some people become vandals because they want to make the world a better looking place.””

  1. QUALITY I really like this blog, now im not 1 for adding links in my replies but I feel this is a great exception, this reminds me of some similar stuff by graffiti artist “SER” at http://www.hire-a-graffiti-artist.co.uk his a great graffiti artist form London and has many different styles. There are a few more good graffiti artists on the site called Graffiti Kings that graffiti bedrooms, night clubs & everything else “wink wink” lol.

  2. What a cool idea… I love how you found out about this guy– his art is amazing, and clearly he has talent. I’m not surprised about the copyright, however, it would be sad if others try and copy his work.

    I believe he is clearly an artist, and his ways of expression are artistic– not vandelism. I mean, look! He’s making the world a prettier place! Not that it’s really a good explanation as to why I find his art facinating, but still. I wish he would come to our town and make things a little more prettier 🙂

  3. I think this is the coolest thing since sliced bread too. Good post, thanks for keeping us art-happy.

  4. Is the quote yours? If not, who said it? It’s quite simple, but it’s great.

    I think that your example is without any doubt art. I can only imagine the person who owns the property to be upset with it, and even then, I’m hesitant to claim that presumption entirely.

  5. I have to say my art major roommate has shown me this guy’s work before and I love a lot of it. He is witty and thoroughly entertaining.

  6. Joe,
    The person who said the quote is Banksy himself. There are a lot of recorded things that he has said that are funny and insightful.

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