What a bunch of GARBAGE!

Who wants to rummage through trash? I sure don’t.

 German artist  HA Shult decided to take trash to a new arena in 1996. There have been many successful attempts to reuse trash and make it into something that can be used again, for example Target sells a pencil bag made of things like Capri Sun pouches. Shult took crushed cans, computer parts and anything else he saw fit to create Trash People. It took him many helpers and 6 months to finish the thousand figures. They aren’t necessarily made to evoke a specific feeling or conversation, they’re simply meant to get people talking about how much trash we really produce per day, how it affects our world, etc. and to inspire people to make changes. And what is a better way to get people talking than taking them all over the world? I don’t know either. These figures have traveled to major cities such as Paris, Beijing, Moscow and Cologne, at the pyramids of Gizeh, on the Great Wall of China, on the Matterhorn and in the salt deposits of Gorleben. Is that not insane?!? Their trips are supported by the maker of the adhesive that was used to unearth this gang of garbage, Henkel. Not only is this a good thing to support because of how many people have seen and talked about them but also its good advertising for Henkel. Not a bad idea on their part. The pictures of the group in these major cities is breathtaking. In particular the picture of the thousand on the Great Wall of China is amazing. 

Check it out, yo

The trash people definitely have a way of getting people to talk. What kind of reaction do they push out of you?

~ by itsartyo on October 23, 2009.

2 Responses to “What a bunch of GARBAGE!”

  1. I have heard about people doing something very similar to this but this guys designs are really awesome. I think its really cool to be able to create something out of trash and make it appealing to the human eye. I also like how he slips in an educational message about how much trash we actually use on a daily basis. Watching the video was really cool too. I am amazed by how many sculptures he was able to make.

  2. I think that is pretty cool, I don’t whhy someone would want to spend so much time gluing trash together. I think the result is interesting though. They really make me think of how much stuff we really throw away that could have another use to someone else.

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