Is this really art?

How many times have you seen something in a museum and thought, “I could do that! Why did that person get so much money for that?” This is something that I used to be guilty of thinking. Once you transcend this thinking, a great appreciation for all creative endeavors will well up in you and soon enough you will feel like a dork talking about how beautiful the line quality in a drawing is.

One particular piece of work that I felt was ridiculous for getting so much attention is The Fountain by Marcel Duchamp. Being part of the Dada movement was all about straying away from reason and logic. The artists that were a part of this thought that reason and logic were responsible for World War I and were striving to stray away from a disaster such as that. 

The Fountain was a “ready-made” piece, which simply means it was something that could be found and presented however the artist wanted. Duchamp took a urinal and placed it on its back so as to give it a new purpose and thought instead of clearly being a urinal. This piece was trying to force people out of their comfort zones, and try to see the world in a different light. Whether they succeeded or not is up for debate.

The Fountain

~ by itsartyo on September 18, 2009.

One Response to “Is this really art?”

  1. I really found your blog to be interesting. I like how it’s displayed,and I like how you explain art, and the pictures you use. This update in particular caught my attention because I have seen The Fountain before and thought the same thing. “How is that art?” I know many times when I go to an art museum I’ll see something and thing “I could make that” but really could I? The way Duchamp portrays The Fountain is so unique and something I never would have even thought of. I think that many people will see The Fountain in different ways but it definitely does force people out of their comofort zones, and try to see the world in a different light. I never really thought of it that way and I think it is something that we all should do. Whether or not you think it is art, you should still try to look at it from his point of view, and try to find the deeper meaning because that is usually what art is all about. Finding the hidden meaning in something that you normally wouldn’t consider to be art. I really like your blog, I will definitely be following your updates! – Lauri

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